"Poems are forever floating through my mind and if I don't catch them pin them to the page they are gone forever and what good is that?"
~ My journal (age 14)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Reduced to stumps

It is when they shed their leaves
that you notice the brokenness of the trees
how well they hid their cracks
in the warm abundance of summer
but winter has laid bare their wounds
and it is too late now to bind them
they must be chopped down
lest they fall on their own
crushing all that is near
only when they are reduced to stumps
will they be stable and sturdy again


The drug is gone now

It did not go with a whimper

But with a wild scream

It tried to take me with it

Howling as it was expelled

My skin beneath its nails

Leaving my nerves exposed

My senses raw and tender

Like a baby, and just as angry

My soul is birthed in sweet agony

Each sensation an assault and a triumph

Ringing out I am alive

I am alive!

And so I welcome you pain

Because to be dull is to be dead

But these tears - they are life


Show me where this awkward stone
fits into the perfect wall
I have worked so hard to build

Show me how to use its heaviness
in a way that won't cause the edifice
to crumble into a pile of ruin

Show me where to chip away
the stubborn blockages
so that it can be a useful thing

Show me how, when the rough rocks
are placed amongst the smooth,
it strengthens the whole