"Poems are forever floating through my mind and if I don't catch them pin them to the page they are gone forever and what good is that?"
~ My journal (age 14)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wild God

We tame the wild dogs
and shoot the wild deer
we cage the wild lion
for wild things we fear

They make us see the truth
that we are weak and chained
plagued with insecurity
labeled, boxed, and named

We crave control and safety
and so are kept instead of free
that's why we took our wild God
and nailed Him to a tree


Boldness born on a barren branch
red flame in a sepia world
herald of spring enliven the landscape
stoke the coals of nature's imagination
sing the tune of what will be
gone with a rustle of a strong breeze
but your absence does not undo
your presence, you were and are here
your vibrancy a relief to hungry eyes
the world warm beneath your wings

Wind dance

The bare trees bow
to their queen the Wind
unable to resist
when she bids them Dance
arms lifted in exultation
whirling dervishes
whipped into frenzied adulation
of the force which animates them
and gives them Life

Snow fall

An afterthought of flurries
lighten the dusk
just a whisper of winter left
and even though they'll never
amount to anything
still they fall
because that's what snow does
there is no question in nature
of purpose, of meaning
they are one in the same
here they are, there they go
it is a wondrous show

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Same sky

February has proved
that peace will elude me
as long as I exalt the snow
for its gentle lightness
while reviling the rain
for its harsh dreariness
serenity is understanding
they are two sides of one drop
falling from the same sky


Maybe it doesn't always happen
like a dam giving way
water crashing through the cracks
with irrevocable certainty

Maybe it is more like the carving
of a great canyon over time
atom by atom the winding river
erodes the stubborn rock
revealing a path of patience

Maybe awakening isn't
the scream of a bedside alarm
and we are meant to linger
in the in-between a little longer
so that we can remember our dreams