"Poems are forever floating through my mind and if I don't catch them pin them to the page they are gone forever and what good is that?"
~ My journal (age 14)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The snow melts on contact
all of its icy intention
disintegrating upon impact

I feel sorry for this snow
and its ill-timed birth
just a few short weeks ago

it would've risen
to impressive heights
in all its glittering glory

but today it falls silent
inspiring only annoyance
where it might have inspired awe

what a powerful fate timing is
creating stars from soda jerks
during the lunch hour rush

one day

and sending a waiter
into the black waters of obscurity
because an agent orders delivery

the next

a triumphant crystalline palace
or a soggy patch of mud
all determined by a few degrees

and the direction of a gust of wind


  1. *ache* this hits close to home for me

  2. It's funny...I don't totally believe this, but got inspired by that snow yesterday and didn't want to write just another nature poem. Your time will come and when it does, it will be perfect. I'd rather be like fine wine, I think, discovered and savored when I've gained more notes than uncorked too early like so many that end up getting poured down the drain.

  3. I was uncorked too early. Jam me back into a musty cellar for a few years!

    Great poem.
