"Poems are forever floating through my mind and if I don't catch them pin them to the page they are gone forever and what good is that?"
~ My journal (age 14)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Neon Pink

There was a sweatshirt I wore
on my twelfth birthday
neon pink with white lips like kiss prints
splattered recklessly across the front
I have a picture of that day
when I put it on brand new and so cool
all the brighter for never having been washed
the color reflected the blush of youthful hope
onto my make-up free cheeks

I was all smiles as I looked forward
to a blindingly bright future
as John Taylor's wife
how proud he would be
to be married to the world's most famous
veterinarian/fashion designer
who couldn't make the tour with him
because she was too busy starring
in the film version of her miraculous life

The sunset tonight reminds me of that sweatshirt
the electric fuchsia speckled with clouds
like white lips kissing the sky
wrapping me in the cottoning warmth
of those long forgotten dreams
protecting me from the blue chill
of forty on the horizon
like the ocean swallowing the sun

The white lips whisper
there is time, there is still time
Project Runway is open to all ages
John Taylor has just joined Twitter
and neon pink is cool again

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Impossible Things

I want to live an African Elephant life
A Himalayan Mountain life
A Giant Sequoia life
A life so Large you can't wrap your head
or your arms around it
A life that can't be grasped
even by two hands
I want to live a life so Tall
you need an oxygen tank to climb
or a ladder on top of a Giant crane
on top of a skyscraper to reach
I want to live an Empire State Building life
An Eiffel Tower life
I want to live so Big they can't fit me
in a box when I die
They'll have to intern me in a Legend
so I can ride into the sunset
on the back of Babe the Blue Ox
And when night falls
I'll take archery lessons from Orion himself
piercing the stars with my Mighty arrows

i want to live a hummingbird life
a wee green clover life
a spot on the wing of a lady bug life
a life so tiny you can put it under your tongue
and dissolve it until all of the molecules
flow through your body
a life that gets under your nails
that can be folded up and placed in the breast pocket
of a nice suit like a colorful hankie
i want to live an eyelash on the cheek life
a single pink petal life
an eskimo kiss life
a life so small that my greatest achievement
is a well bloomed rose bush
and when i die even a mint tin
will be too big for me
they'll have to put me on a leaf
so i can float down river like a newborn dragonfly
sun warming my wet wings
and when night falls
i'll take flight on a jasmine scented breeze
reflecting the stars in my ink drop eyes

I want to live a Both-And life not an either-or life
an inconceivable, improbable, unreasonable life
because the impractical dreams and impossible things
are the only ones worth Living (and dying) for

Monday, April 29, 2013

Amazing Grace

Grace whispers in a shaft of sunlight
entreats the rain to fall
turns the seasons
raises the stem
releases the delicate fragrance
and opens each rose
in its own time
you can not pry the petals loose
no matter how well-intentioned
if you work harder
you will only crush the bloom
no machine may unravel
the millennia of mystery
contained in a single bud
the petals must soften
deep inside the flower first
stretching forth from its heart
with an exuberantly painted shout
you can not make the coiled blossom bloom
you may only bear witness to its brilliant birth
and be amazed

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Bubble Maker

The marine layer descends
shrouding my neighborhood
in a cool grey silence
befitting my mood
while my body goes through
the agonizing detox of hormones
it had ramped up production of
just six weeks ago

The cramping has mostly subsided
but still physical activity
is a great chore
as it seems my body used up
half of its energy creating a life
and the other half rejecting it

The dogs are pretty oblivious
to all of it - the chill in the air
the quiet, the emptiness
they only know
that there are bushes to be sniffed
and trees to be peed on
and so expect their usual walk

I don't even brush my hair

After their business is done
I turn back for the house
but my youngest pup pulls me forward
his attention drawn
to something down the block

A lone bubble
with no source in sight
carried on a breeze
down a deserted street
bobbing along the sidewalk
iridescent colors swirling

The object is so foreign
the young pup can't decide
if he should chase it or eat it
and so stands mesmerized
until the old dog and I catch up
and the three of us stand still
contemplating the curiosity

It is an unexpected wonder
to encounter the unexplainable
popping up on the dullest of days

When it collides with a brick wall
and disappears into a small sprinkle
of tiny dots on the driveway
the grace of the moment lingers
and I am filled with gratitude
knowing the bubble maker
is still out there somewhere

Friday, March 15, 2013

Black cat on a sunny day

Anyone who has seen a black cat
curled tightly in a window on a sunny day
knows there is a multitude of colors
contained in even the most caliginous of fur
each onyx follicle bursts into iridescence
like a moonbow over Cumberland Falls
against an inky velvet night sky
A reminder that the intricate dance
of light and dark creates a beauty
neither could generate on its own
and while white rejects every red and purple
that tries to pierce its puritanical heart
black gathers all the colors in tight
dependant on the full spectrum to survive

Monday, February 25, 2013

Grace and Peanuts

Packing peanuts from an overturned box
are scattered across the busy street
blown by the crosswinds of passing cars
creating a twinkling tinkling sound
like snow falling on wind chimes
the white Styrofoam tumbleweeds
dotting the cold black asphalt
emit intermittent cracks and pops
as the wheels of fate flatten an unlucky few
funny how the protectors have so little ability
to protect themselves from the crushing blows
of unfulfilled destiny and oncoming traffic
but oh how the newly animated herd
mesmerizes in its final moments
gracefully dancing outside the box

Friday, January 25, 2013


Closing my eyes I try to see
visions painted on the backs
of my apricot eyelids
some hoped for image
of what life will be
in twenty
fifty years, if we're lucky
you with wavy white hair
me silently looking out
over the isle Yeats loved
nothing more to prove
nothing more to say
with my books on shelves
and verses in hearts
young dreamers dreaming
of growing into their wrinkles
sitting in this very chair
crying as I cried
over Alcott's desk
or with palm pressed
upon Frost's kitchen table
hoping somehow inspiration
will seep through like osmosis
words soaking into cells
wisdom circling round
building layer upon layer
like a great spiralled shell
let's make our house in it
just two side-stepping crabs
leaving trails in the sand
under the linnet's wings
beating out chords of grace
legacy of purple waters
washing over quiet shores
and a snowy wood
now warm, now green

Friday, January 18, 2013

Senses on a Saturday

See the white rose and her sisters
stand straight as arrows
aimed at the golden sun
proving that not all things
in this world are broken

Smell the willow as it weeps
warm earthen incense
emanates from peeling bark
fragrant leaves fanned by a breeze
beneath the heavy heat of the day

Hear the sleeping spaniel's breath
rising labored but steady
a rattle of resilience
beating back age and illness
with each defiant thump of his tail

Feel the stained glass window
diffusing soft colored light
through hard dimpled surfaces
and cold twisted iron
beauty born of imperfection

Taste the salt of gratitude
on cheeks wet with joy
notice how the bitter flavor
fades with time
it all seems so sweet now

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Real

Morning moon casts
a sliver of silver light
upon shining stone pavers
drenched by some unheard
nocturnal downpour

Trees etched black
against the quickening sky
know nothing of the dream
that left the dark night
shrouded in a miasma of fear

And the bright morning star
caught in a corridor
between continents of clouds
winks knowingly
this is the real

This waking sun
This cool wet grass
This red-winged blackbird
heralding the new day
with an exuberant shout!

The heart of the matter

Here is the heart of the matter
each matter has a heart
just as the clover
has three
 and the body
holds one
so the stone, the earth, the tree
simply follow the veins
of leaf and quill
and soft smooth gold 
branching through granite
and you will see
there is nothing so solid
so hardened
that it does not have
a center
you need only search
for the cracks
they will always show the way
to the heart of the heart of the matter

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dog Walk

The long brown basset
trots along the uneven stone
as if it were smooth marble
aided by a comically low
center of gravity
and stabilizing ear flaps
completely unaware
that his woolen-capped owner
bent and hobbling
has given up the chase
released the leash
to concentrate on navigating
the tricky terrain
the old boy stops
and looks back to his old man
woofing a reminder of all
the adventures the two have shared
until the leash is taken up again
and at a much slower pace
they round the bend together

Sunrise Shimmy

It is agonizing ecstasy
waiting for the sun to rise
she likes to take her time
that celestial burlesque girl
coy and playful
teasing with a flush
followed by a blush
first the arched eyebrow
of a pale golden cloud
next a soft peach shoulder
shimmies across the stage
before the red hot blaze
of uninhibited beauty
is met by the leafy applause
of lovestruck sycamores
and the cat calls of crows
until the whole of nature
is bathed in the breathless wonder
of the soft supple morning light

Skipping Stones

Let the stones thrown
into the lake of your life
skip across the water
with ever diminishing impact
until they are swallowed
into the stillness of the center

Let the ripples collide as they must
until the wake of impact
settles into glassy calm
and the intended violence
is absorbed by a vast tranquillity
the rock softened by the deep

like carbonation

The young Hasidic girls
stand on the school steps
dressed in matching uniforms
a sea of navy blue cotton sweaters
with starched white collars peeking out
and severe skirts with hemlines
halfway between the ankle and the knee
each head thick with rich brown hair
pulled into perfect ponytails
the uniformity troubled only
by the backpacks they wear:
neon green leopard print
pastel rainbow striped
red and black lady bug bags
wild colorful and utterly unique
self-expression like carbonation
bubbles to the surface
with just a twist of the lid

Nature is a soapy sponge

Nature is a soapy sponge
squeeze the water
let it wash away
the chalk stains of thought
and the choking dust of worry
until the board is blank -
clear and clean and ready
for the next lesson