"Poems are forever floating through my mind and if I don't catch them pin them to the page they are gone forever and what good is that?"
~ My journal (age 14)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Approachable Divinity

Amazing how the soft reflection
of colors on the waxed wood floor
from the bright blazing strand
of LED lights encircling the spruce
creates a universe beneath my feet
tiny worlds warmer than their source

I admire the beauty not as a facsimile
but for its own unique wonder
like orange orbs of street lamps cast
across the black waters of the Saugatuck
or the sweet silvery moon above
all the more lovely because it is not sun
and I may gaze on it as long as I like

In the same way I rejoice
to look upon your face
faithfully refracting the light of love
tempering that blinding source of all life
into a flash of approachable divinity

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

In praise of fog

Weightless drops delight in their ethereal state
dancing they swirl past the porch light
floating free instead of dripping down
a breath scatters the damp flecks of cloud
and passing headlights make a shadowbox
illuminating the yard as the house floats
above ground and under water
oh how the brume on a warm winter night
can turn a somnolent New England town
into a mighty and mysterious Atlantis
explorers need only step out onto the stoop
to watch the watery world drift by

Noel from the New Haven Line

A flurry of glittering white lights
frost the many Main Streets
with candy cane street lamps
and Christmas trees in bars
making the neon beer signs
seem somehow festive
while the tree branches wrapped
in glowing orbs wink cheerfully
at the weary commuters
"you're almost home now"
as twinkling blue waves
adorn rambling fences
and electric icicles dangle
from sternly pitched eves
like so many alpine peaks
creating a holiday tapestry
so alive and bright with joy
that even the jealous moon approves