"Poems are forever floating through my mind and if I don't catch them pin them to the page they are gone forever and what good is that?"
~ My journal (age 14)

Monday, February 28, 2011

The plunge

You must not test it
with a timid toe
the icy emptiness
will only shock you
into withdrawal
and you will never start
at all
you will stand on the edge
frozen in indecision
listening to the voices
shouting from the shore
telling you that you are crazy
begging you not to go in
those hecklers
warm and cozy in their parkas
will warn you that you
could die
and it is true -- some have
the ones that tried
to walk on the water
with sheer will alone
not realizing you must
be baptized first
full body immersion
into the deep
the cannonball technique
is best
because there's no way
to keep your hair dry
when you are holding
your knees so close
that you have become
a circle
no beginning, no end
which is as it should be
with the plunge
come freedom
clocks can not keep time
under water
and it may be necessary
to forget that you have
an appointment at three
to forget the meaning
of three
and in fact it is best
when you do not even remember
your name

The vine

His love like Honeysuckle
grows fervently and unpredictable
taking over the garden of my life
that I have so carefully cultivated

The fragrant vines wind around
the perfectly pruned trees
of my piousness
reducing them to unruly
clumps of growth

And I am so terrified
that the climbing ropes
will obscure the pretty path
I have created for myself
that I hack at them desperately with shears --
wrestling the tendrils reaching for me
until I am left panting and sweating
exhausted by my efforts
to tame what can never be tamed

And there is nothing left to do
but to lie back and rest
in the wild beauty
of his unrelenting love

Friday, February 25, 2011

Me and Mary

I sit alone on Christmas Eve
a blanket over my knees
plain bread stick in my hand
the nausea set in
before we even left for the restaurant
an hour more on the hump
in the backseat didn't help
I stand in the bathroom
patting my face with cold water
begging my body to give me a break
it's Christmas Eve for heaven's sake
and my husband and his family
have all been sat at a table
near the window
for a celebratory meal
before anyone can order
I excuse myself to the car
fighting the putrid waves in my stomach
and the tears in my throat
the anxiety creeping in
doesn't know it's not welcome
especially not on holidays
but as I sit in the sedan
nibbling Italian bread
I notice the lights
on the old fashioned lampposts
they are rooting for me
and the glowing star
atop a tree near the stop sign
winks at me
everyone has off days
the storefronts assure me
no matter how many "special" signs
you post in the window
sometimes people just aren't buying
and sometimes the body
just wants a day off
from the Christmas spirit
I suppose Mary must've felt
pretty darn overwhelmed
with all of those people
cramming the streets and hotels
I imagine her waking along this main street
pointing out the mattress store to Joseph
maybe we can sleep here
it's closed but the beds look so inviting
I want to tell her she can sit
in the bucket seat beside me
I have some extra bread
and even an old blanket in the trunk
my Papa always said you never know
when you might need
an extra blanket in the car
I smile right now, finally reaping
the reward of his wisdom
Me and Mary
away from the crowd
just a couple of girls
far from home
hoping Christmas will come soon

Lost Boys

The snow blankets
the oscillating twinkle lights
strewn across the hedge
making it look like a wild
fairy party is going on
behind the glistening white curtain
and I imagine thimbles of champagne
and wee people dancing on the ceiling
as their wings flutter in time
with the banshee band

I am mesmerized by the magic
until an old school bus drives by
that has been painted a bold cobalt blue
and stenciled with the words
Barry County Corrections
across the side
beneath the shadowed faces pressed
against cold window panes

I wonder if they notice
the twittering Tinks
beneath the snowy bush
waving to their lost boys

Lost at sea

Harsh the ocean rocks me
tossed upon the turbulent sea
floating flying falling free
on a ledge too high and dizzying
cloudy skies frown angrily
limbs hanging limp beside the tree
heavy trunk thick icy freeze
whirling wind bullies the breeze
oh wake me from this frenzied dream

Cartwheels at Stonhenge

I can not help but turn cartwheels
in front of the ancient pillars
of The Great Stone Henge
the magic of the place
raises the hairs on the back of my hand
and I must express the thrill somehow
so I leap and twirl and press my hands
onto the sacred turf
while the sheep bleat in a nearby field
as they have for generations
I find that the wind is different here
alive and spritely
making sure with a flicker of mischief
that your hair will not lie flat for pictures
no matter how many tries you take
I breathe in the smell of
moss and rock weathered by
innumerable raindrops
as the earth and grass is trampled beneath
great snakes of humanity
in multicolored windbreakers
winding round and round
each having their own experience
on this once communal ground
what would happen if we put down our cameras
and black plastic audio wands
what if we joined hands as was intended
in the beginning
what if we noticed one another
maybe then we would understand the mystery
that the sheep already know