"Poems are forever floating through my mind and if I don't catch them pin them to the page they are gone forever and what good is that?"
~ My journal (age 14)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Midnight in the control tower

Here is what it was like
voices soft as the hum of a fan
on a humid night
far off stars coming close
lining up in a heavenly parade
coffee in a green thermos
or perhaps it was silver
reflecting the radar screens
blinking, always blinking

There you were high above it all
a princess waiting
for the King to take his break
so he could roll the dice
and land on Marvin Gardens
where you strategically built
all of your castle hotels

You did not know then
about the insane hours
or the debilitating stress
and there was not even an inkling
of the terrifying storm
called a Strike
that was to come

All you knew was that you were up
way past your bedtime
wrapped in your favorite sleeping bag
sipping contraband hot chocolate
delighting in the knowledge
that your daddy had the power
to keep the sleeping world safe
with a whisper

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