"Poems are forever floating through my mind and if I don't catch them pin them to the page they are gone forever and what good is that?"
~ My journal (age 14)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Walking meditation

I would like to be the sand
somehow liquid and solid
at the same time
able to absorb the water
and still stay solid
beneath bare feet
soft and movable
with the strength
of ten million rocks
yet never rigid or fixed
inspiring visions
of mermaids and castles
radiating warmth from the sun
reflecting its light
with a wink of magic
I like how it sticks with you
months after you've left the beach
there it is, still in your shoe
reminding you of that day
where the whole world
was at peace
and heaven was within reach
of your outstretched toes

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful account of a beautiful day. Minus the tar balls of course...
